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Fun in the garden


Introducing The Aeroponic Garden 

Putting FES-UA & FES-PEP Families First

This website was created to provide additional assistance to parents who want to purchase the aeroponic garden science, math, & literacy STEM kit.


I am proud to have helped thousands of families to start, maintain, and expand their gardens. I have a heart & passion for seeing families grow their own food, truly enjoy gardening, and reap the educational benefits of gardening!


If you are an FES-UA or FES-PEP family, please contact me by clicking the button below so I can set a reimbursement/invoice with Step Up for Students for a Tower Garden. I would be happy to send you a quote and all the information you need in order for you to explore this wonderful educational option for your student.


Please contact me below before ordering so we can discuss your family's unique situation!


To order directly from me, click here: 







School Garden Lesson Plans

Welcome to Tower Garden, where learning comes alive through the magic of vertical gardening! Our innovative growing system is revolutionizing education by bringing the wonders of agriculture, science, and technology directly into the classroom. With Tower Garden, your students will embark on an exciting journey of exploration, discovery, and healthy living.

Before you even consider buying your Tower Garden, please get in touch with me for a chat. I'd love to get to know you and ask you some questions, like:

  • Do you want to grow indoors or outdoors? Or maybe both?

  • Where do you plan to put your Tower Garden? (pool area, grass/mulch, etc.)

  • How much sun do you get? Is there tree coverage?

  • What are you planning to grow?

  • Have you had gardening challenges in the past, and if so, what were they?


Together, we will design the best Tower Garden for YOU so that you and your family can grow beautiful, healthy produce with the least amount of effort in just about any space and in any climate!


My award-winning service does not stop at design, however! Once you purchase, you are added to my private Facebook group for support and are invited to reach out to me anytime with questions. I get dozens of questions daily from my customers, and I find great joy in teaching you how to garden. 


There are no extra charges for these services. I believe you deserve old-fashioned one-on-one customer support!

Get In Touch

Planting questions or ideas? I'm here to nurture your gardening endeavors – reach out anytime!


  • Facebook
  • Youtube
Do you have the FES-UA or FES-PEP scholorship? It's OK to say "I'm not sure!
Are you interested in the outdoor Tower Garden, the indoor Tower Garden, or both?
Outdoor Growing Only ( Skip If Growing Indoors)

Thanks for submitting!

Ready to explore the lush world of gardening with me? Tap on the 'Dig Deeper' button below to uncover the secrets of my green journey. Let's cultivate a connection and nurture your curiosity together!

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