Rockwool cubes and the Germinator are the MVPs of seed starting! No worries about dampening off, torrential rain damage, squirrels poking around your trays, or the sun baking your seeds. Go team!
Did you know? The Germinator and the necessary
seed-starting supplies are now on MSS/MyScholarShop!
The Germinator creates an ideal environment for your seedlings to grow. This kit features a tabletop grow light, ensuring your seedlings receive the essential light they crave. It is paired with a heat mat that promotes consistent warmth for optimum germination. Elevate your planting experience and watch your seedlings flourish with this germination kit!
Click the video to learn how to easy it is to start seeds!
Did you know there are over 150 different crops that you can grow in the Tower Garden?
Growing Tips:
Use fresh seed.
Store seeds in a cool, dry environment.
Use 1-2 seeds for large plants.
Use 5-8 seeds for small plants.
If you overplant, snip the extras with a scissors. Don't pull.
You can transfer seedlings to the Tower Garden at any point in time.
If you plants start to yellow & it's been a couple of weeks, feed them diluted Tower Garden water or move them into the Tower Garden.
Run the Germinator for 24 hours, 7 days a week.
What if I don't have a Germinator? Good old fashioned sun will get the job done! After you add seeds to the cubes, put them out in full sun. Easy peasy!
Planning Sheets:
Download the sheets that meet your needs and make a plan. Or...wing it! We don't care. Sometimes, the best learning experiences come when we operate with reckless abandon. Most importantly, HAVE FUN!
Finally, please contact me by clicking here with any questions or concerns!
I'm always here to help!
~ Leah Brooks