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Writer's pictureLeah Brooks

Leah's Pest Control Tips

Updated: Mar 18, 2024

These are my favorite pest control tips and tricks for the most common pests we encounter in the southeast. Want to print a PDF of this post? Download below!

Weekly Sal Suds/Neem Oil Spray for Outdoor Gardens

Watch the above video for in-depth information. This organic spray works on aphids, thrips, mites, whiteflies, and small insects. It also acts as a mild fungicide, especially if used as a preventative in the spring, when fungus tends to thrive.

Cold pressed Neem oil mixed with Dr. Bronner's Sals Suds works well to keep bugs, powdery mildew, and diseases under control in the garden.


🎋STEP 1: In a glass jar or shaker bottle, mix the following with about 1 c. warm water: ½ Tablespoon Cold Pressed Neem ½Tablespoon of Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds

  • OPTIONAL: ½ Tablespoon of BT if caterpillars or armyworms are present. SHAKE WELL.

🎋STEP 2: Add the mixture to a 1L sprayer and fill up the sprayer the rest of the way with water.

🎋STEP 3: Spray the plants well in the evening, thoroughly coating the plants.

🎋STEP 4: Rinse the plants off in the morning with a hose.

This process suffocates soft-bodied insects

Disrupts insect breeding cycle if used weekly; it

coats leaves, prevents fungi, &

confuses insects with essential oils!

Neem & Soap TIPS

  • In high humidity (>65%) high temps (>90F), spray at night & rinse in the morning.

  • Never spray when the sun is up. Always spray near sundown or at night.

  • Use COLD PRESSED Neem. Cold pressed has active ingredients.

  • It is very important to emulsify the Neem with soap.

  • Spray in the evening after beneficial bugs have gone to bed.

  • Neem works by suffocating soft-bodied insects, fungi, and insects that eat your plants by disrupting their hormones. It works best on soft-bodied insects but will work on all insects if you spray regularly.

  • Watch this video for more information on this pest control method

Organic Caterpillar/Worm Control

Armyworms, Tomato Hornworms, and Pickleworms are major pests of tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, and other curcubit. You can add either a product with Spinosad or a product containing Bt to the Neem and soap mixture if you see evidence of worms and caterpillars. Follow labels. Always treat at least twice – one week apart – for full control.

Thuricide BT is an OMRI-approved biological control for caterpillars and worms. It is one of the safest natural pesticides you can use in terms of controlling caterpillar pests of vegetables or fruits without harming beneficial insects. Sunlight degrades Bt after a few hours, so it is best applied late in the day so it can be consumed during the nightly feeding. You can mix it with the above Neem & soap mixture and apply it at the same time. Read label instructions for safe use.

Captain Jack's Deadbug contains Spinosad, a naturally occurring OMRI-approved bacteria discovered in the soil of an order rum factory. Please read the label. Spinosad is a broad-spectrum insecticide and should be used only when needed. You can mix it with the above Neem & soap mixture and apply it at the same time. It is toxic to bees when wet. Once it dries, it will not hurt the bees. Spray at night after bees have gone to bed. Read label instructions for safe use.

To prevent pickleworm damage, you'll want to bag cucumbers, melons, and zucchinis after they have started to grow (after they have been pollinated).

· These bags work for most smaller watermelons:

· And these bags work for cukes, zukes, and small melons:

Pest Control - Indoor Tower Garden

  • Pop the plants out and rinse them well in the sink.

  • ISOLATE-infested plants. Place them in a vase near the kitchen sink for easy treatment for the next day or two.

  • Harvest up to ½ of the leaves on all plants to reduce the amount of foliage on the plants.

  • Spray all plants well with a mixture of 14 oz water, 2 drops peppermint oil, 2 drops Terra Shield, or Thieves blend or similar, and 1 tsp. Dr. Bronner's soap.

  • Massage leaves, stem, rockwool, and black net pot rim to work the mixture in. Do not rinse.

  • Repeat daily for 2 more days.

  • Replace infested plants once all insects/eggs have been destroyed.

  • Keep an eye on your Tower Garden, and if you see a couple of aphids, treat them quickly before aphids take over your Tower Garden.

Powdery Mildew (PM) Control

This really works! Dairy milk is a natural fungicide that works well if sprayed in full sun! It works great if sprayed regularly as a preventative on sensitive plants, like zucchini or squash, during 'wet' months.

FLUID MILK RATIO: Mix 1 part milk to 8 parts water. Any milk will work, skin, whole, etc.

DRY MILK RATIO: Mix 1/2 oz. Dry milk (about 1 rounded Tablespoon) + 1 quart or 1 L of water.

Spray during the heat of the day in FULL SUN. Repeat every three days or so.

Powdery mildew can be controlled in many ways! And because fungi adapt, you want to attack it in multiple ways.

1) Buy powdery mildew-resistant seeds (like Desert Zucchini)

2) Remember PM loves heat + humidity + darkness. It thrives overnight. Don't wet your plants at night!

3) Use Neem weekly to coat the leaves and prevent PM from attaching.

4) Adjust the pH of the plant leaf to make the leaf inhospitable to PM. Baking soda, mouthwash, and MilStop are tried and true methods.

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