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Aeroponic Garden Set-Up


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Home Grown Vegetables

Indoor Gardening

Videos and Tutorials on Growing Indoors! 



(I recommend you set your grow lights to be on for 18 hours and off for 6 hours)


7 part tutorial on how to grow indoors by Tim Blank, former director of "The Land" at Epcot:


Plant Shed

Aeroponic Garden

My Tips and Tricks


You'll receive several packets of seed with your aeroponic garden. These non-GMO seeds have been proven to grow well in the aeroponic garden. Because of the quarantine, I don't know exactly which seeds they are sending out right now. I apologize for that. 


You'll want to customize what you are growing in your aeroponic garden, so you will want to purchase additional seeds. I use:​




If you fill your aeroponic garden with city water, you’ll need this filter to remove the chlorine and/or chloramines. It screws onto your hose, and you’ll replace it yearly or when your water smells chlorine-y.




If you live in an area that experiences freezing weather and you’re growing outdoors, you’ll want to prepare for those freezes. Freezing weather occurs when temperatures are 32F or less, OR when we experience frost (which can happen at 40F or less).


You have many options for protecting your aeroponic garden. If it’s on wheels, you can roll it into the garage or into a protected corner of a covered porch!


If it’s easier to leave your aeroponic garden in place, then cover it with:

                                                 A couple of blankets or sheets.

  • OR, a lightweight Planket (provides more protection against frost than a bedsheet). If you have big tomato plants, you may need (2) Plankets. 





An aeroponic garden experiences 40-60% less pests than a ground garden.

Nevertheless, it’s best to be well prepared for pests, so that they don’t take you by surprise.

Read my blog post for more information about specific pests you may encounter in Florida




Tomatoes and cucumbers need support. There are many ways to trellis these plants, and it’s very inexpensive to do. Here’s a video about how to trellis tomatoes.




Strawberries are a specialty crop and have their own special practices, pesticides, and planting methods. Please watch my video about strawberries: . You can buy strawberry plants from Living Towers Seedlings.

Vegetable Farm
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