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Never Test Your pH Again?

Are you tired of testing your pH?

There's an easier way!


Follow these steps when you first set up your Tower Garden FLEX to determine the amount of pH UP or pH DOWN you need every time you fill it up.

The Tower Garden FLEX holds 20 gallons of water. The Tower Garden HOME holds 13 gallons of water.

1. Fill the Tower Garden FLEX basin with water. Use non-softened, chlorine, and chloramine-free water.

2. Add 200 ml of Tower Tonic A. Stir. Add 200ml of Tower Tonic B. (200ml is for seedlings)

3. Plug your pump in to circulate the water. Wait a few hours for the pH to adjust.

4. Test your pH. Add a small amount of pH down or pH up if needed. I use the cap to 'measure' but you can also use a tsp or tablespoon.

5. Test again. If needed, repeat #4 until your pH is 5.5.

 6. Note how much pH down or pH up you need to add to reach a pH of 5.5.

The number you get (for example, 2 capfuls) is the number you need to add every time you fill up your Tower Garden.
If your Tower Garden is half empty, then you'll add half as much water. Add half as much pH down or up.

If your Tower Garden is 1/4 empty, add 1/4 as much pH down or up.

ONLY test your pH if you observe a problem in the color of your plant leaves. The leaves should be the same color as the veins.

As long as the veins in the leaves and the leaf is the same color, you're doing fine. If your veins and leaf is the same color, you don't even need to test your pH. JUST ASSUME IT'S GOOD.

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